Terms and Conditions
Clients Declaration
I understand that Personal Trainers operate on a pre-pay basis and all sessions must be paid in advance. Bookings will not be confirmed until payment has been received by my Trainer.
I understand that once my Trainer and I have agreed upon the most appropriate training programme for me, payment must be made before the sessions are conducted. I understand that failure to make a payment will result in my session being forfeit.
I understand that I must contact my Trainer directly to cancel or change booked sessions. I understand that if I need to cancel a training session I will need to contact my trainer within 24 hours of our session time. Cancellations made with less than 24 hours notice will incur full charge.
I understand all sessions will last one hour unless otherwise stated and will start and finish on time. I also understand that my trainer may not be able to provide a full hour if I am late to a session. However, if my trainer is late for a session I will still receive the full session time or have the outstanding time added to another session. I understand the results of any training programme cannot be guaranteed and my progress depends on my efforts and cooperation in and outside of the sessions. In particular I acknowledge that individual results may vary and no particular result is guaranteed by either my trainer or the club.
I understand that there are inherent risks in participating in a programme of strenuous exercise if I sustain or claim to sustain any injury while participating in the fitness programme I acknowledge that the club is not responsible, except where the injury was caused by the gross negligence or intentional act of my Trainer.
I certify that my answers to the questions outlined on the pre-activity questionnaire form are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand and agree that it is my responsibility to inform my trainer of any conditions or changes in my health, now and ongoing, which might affect my ability to exercise safely and with minimal risk of injury.
I understand the in the unlikely event of my trainer being unable to continue my training I can have my sessions transferred to another trainer who agrees to take over my training or I can request a full refund from my existing trainer for any unfulfilled sessions.
I understand that PT’s are not employees of Fitness First, but are self employed, independent, freelance trainers. I acknowledge that in engaging in LAPT I am entering into a contract with him/her alone and not with Fitness First or any of its subsidiary companies, and any claim I may have to recover any fee paid in advance will be solely against the trainer to whom payment was made.
I agree to the above Terms and Conditions for the duration of my training with my PT.
Informed Consent Form
Explanation of the exercise test – You will perform a series of exercise tests. These tests will vary in exercise intensity. You will be monitored closely throughout and only asked to complete tests appropriate to your fitness level. I may stop any tests at any time because of signs of fatigue, or you may stop when you wish because of personal feelings of fatigue or discomfort.
Risks and discomforts – there exists the possibility of certain changes occurring during these tests. They include abnormal blood pressure, fainting, disorder of heartbeat and in rare instances, heart attack, stroke or death. Every effort will be made to minimise these risks by evaluation of preliminary information relating to your health and fitness and by observations during testing. Emergency equipment and trained personnel are available to deal with unusual situations that might arise.
Responsibilities of the participant – information you possess about your health status or previous experiences of unusual feelings with physical effort may affect the safety and value of your exercise tests. Your prompt reporting of feelings of effort during the tests itself are also of great importance. It is your responsibility to fully disclose such information when requested by the testing staff.
Benefits to be expected – the results obtained from the series of tests may assist in the diagnosis of any illness or in evaluating what type of physical activities you might do with low risk of harm.
Freedom of consent – your permission to perform these tests is voluntary. You are free to deny consent or stop at any point, if you so desire.
I have read this form and I understand the test procedures that I will perform. I consent to participate.
Once the PAR-Q is filled, both the terms and conditions and the informed consent is read and agreed to, please proceed to click the below box to consent to everything above.